Carnival Cruise to Mexico: Part 5

Our 2 last days at sea were super fun! Sadly, by the end of the week, our cruise came to an end.

Day 6:

We started off the day by eating breakfast. We ate at the Sea Day Brunch. We usually ate at the buffet, but since it was the last day of it being open, we ate there. My appetizer was a bagel. My main course/entree was CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES WITH CHOCOLATE SAUCE! It was veeeery yummy. After that, we went to the library and played games.  Next, we went to the ship Q&A. My Mom asked our cruise director, Alex, if he could take us up to the Bridge. He made a call, and the captain said yes. We got to go through all of the crew only areas, and finally made it to the Bridge. It was really big and spacious, and there were so many computers. The steering wheel itself was puny! It was smaller than a car steering wheel.


After that, we rode the water slide and did other activities. It was finally time for another formal night in the dining room. I got 2 desserts, baked Alaska and sherbert. We also watched a lip sync battle. Then, we went to bed.


Day 7:

Day 7 was the day our ship docked! We ate a yummy, last breakfast on the ship and waited to get off the boat. Our Dad picked us up, and we drove back home.

And that, my friends, is the close of our cruise.

The End

More Cruise Post From CommuniKate:

Carnival Cruise to Mexico: Part 4

Carnival Cruise to Mexico: Part 3

Carnival Cruise to Mexico: Part 2

Carnival Cruise to Mexico: Part 1

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