Introducing Piglet, My Guinea Pig!

🙂 Hello Everyone 🙂

Thank you for coming to this post because I got a Guinea Pig! Her name is Piglet, and she’s such a cutie. I’m keeping her over the summer while our friends are in France. I got her on July 2nd and now have the time to write this post. I’ll be showing you guys some photos and a little FAQ/Q&A.

kates divider


What is Piglet’s Favorite Food?

Hmmmmm…..I think she has 2. She loves carrots and watermelon. She also likes lettuce but not as much as those.


What is Something She Does That Annoys You?

Knocking down her hay and pellet bowl! She is so messy!


What Noise Does She Make The Most?

She makes this ‘Wheeking’ sound. It means that she wants something other than hay, pellets, and water.


What Does She Eat and Drink?

Well, she drinks water. She eats lettuce, hay, pellets, watermelon, green onion, and carrots.

If you guys have any more questions, just shoot me a comment!

The Cutest Photos EVER!

Such a cute little face! ❤
Being cute as ever! 🙂
Posing for the Paparazzi! 🙂
She’s eating HAY! yum 🙂 ❤
What can get cuter than this? ❤
Eating one of her favorites, lettuce! 🙂 🙂 🙂


But this isn’t the end of the cuteness! You can watch the YouTube video right there ↓, to see more! Make sure subscribe and Like. ❤



Thanks for reading my post, and I’ll see you next time! ❤ 🙂

Should I make a Guinea Pig page where I upload photos and videos and write updates?/Should I do another YouTube Video with her in it?


17 thoughts on “Introducing Piglet, My Guinea Pig!

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